Climate Change and Air Pollution: A Secret Correlation

Do you know that the effects of climate change and air quality affect each other? Yes, the air quality degrades with climate change, and poor air quality again adds to climate change. This cycle continues; both are bad for our world and human health. 

If you have read our other blogs, you might have read the story of Maya, who faced lung issues due to her exposure to air pollution in her city. She eventually got better but experienced episodes of lung infections and breathing issues. 

Maya struggled with her health which became severe in summer when the temperature was too high. As an active citizen, Maya was also concerned about climate change as she knew the temperature had continuously risen for the last 50 years.

She researched climate change and discovered that global warming is an alarming issue that most people don’t understand. She found a link between climate change and air pollution when she continued her research.

At first, it was surprising for Maya as she would never have read anywhere that climate change and air quality are closely linked.

While taking care of her health, she continued her research and found interesting facts about this link. She thought that people were unaware of this issue, which could soon become a big problem and affect people’s health significantly.

Maya decided to share this knowledge with the world in a way that reaches everyone. For this, she started writing a blog. She began collecting facts and found out the following things:

1. Due to increasing climate change over the last few decades, India has experienced heavy rainfalls, extreme summers, winters, drought, floods, etc, causing health problems in human beings.

Now, what triggers this climate change? The emissions of greenhouse gases and co2 from different activities like industrial, agricultural, vehicular, etc.

2. When temperature rises, it leads to an increase in allergens and harmful air pollutants. Similarly, due to climate change and extended high temperatures, ozone can increase, a toxic air pollutant. All these things result in health problems like respiratory issues and asthma attacks.


Mayan understood how air pollution was adding to climate change and how climate change affected air quality. She started writing her first blog, “Climate Change and Air Pollution: A Secret Correlation.”

Within a week of researching and writing, she finished her blog and published it. Within a few hours, her blog went viral, and everybody tweeted about it. Everybody on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube was talking about this blog.

How did it work?

First, Maya chose a brilliant, concerning topic, but many people needed to be made aware of this link she discovered.

Next, she didn’t just state facts; she conveyed the data in the form of a brilliant story that she knew would impact every reader.

Maya was happy. People were not only talking about her blog but about such a big issue that needed the limelight.

The story did so well that it got published in the Times newspaper. She was called for an interview by the same, where she was asked her idea of “what can bring the change.”

In the interview, Maya said that both the issues, climate change and air pollution,” are so significant that a blog or a story can’t undo them. However, she believes that story has undoubtedly brought the limelight on this issue, and now, when everyone is talking about it, I hope everyone acts on it.

“What can be done, Miss Maya?” the interviewer asked.

“I believe there are special teams that can tell us what we can do to resolve this issue, but I have just one piece of advice for everyone: start making green choices. If we act responsibly, we can decrease air pollution and climate change.” Maya replied.

Thousands of people watched this interview, and we hope each of us understands this issue's severity. We thank people like Maya, who took a step to discuss such an issue in a world where people post entertainment content.

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