Our Belief

Art and craft have the transformative power to illuminate complex issues, making them relatable and tangible to the masses. Through innovative mediums, artistry can shed light on the detrimental effects of air pollution, serving as a visceral reminder of the consequences of our actions. From posters depicting smog-ridden skylines to puppeteers combatting air pollutants, these creations not only bring attention to the pressing issue but also provoke a call to action. Emphasizing the urgency through visual narratives, art, and craft become instrumental in both educating the public about the gravity of air pollution and inspiring collective measures to combat it.

Art For Clean Air
Art For Clean Air

Our Playground

In District Gurdaspur, encompassing approximately 1230 villages and eleven blocks, an innovative awareness cum program has been launched to tackle air pollution and the pervasive issue of stubble burning. Harnessing the compelling medium of art and craft, this initiative will include insightful workshops, public meetings, exhibitions, evocative street theatre plays, road shows, etc., that underline the intricate link between pollution, sanitation, and health. 
As part of our effort, seasoned experts will also be assigned to provide in-depth training to farmers, while students from schools and colleges will be engaged through competitions, quizzes, and interactive audio-visual materials.
Adding to the outreach, the campaign will also feature village rallies, folk media presentations, and evocative street theatre plays. As a pilot project, we aim to raise awareness and inspire tangible actions towards a cleaner and healthier environment.

Reach, Methods, and Approach

We aim to engage with 20 schools, 5400 farmers, 10 artists, 22 training workshops, and 4000 students across our various initiatives.

  • Conduct workshops, public forums, and exhibitions to inform farmers and children about stubble burning's consequences through skits, dramas, and puppet shows. 
  • Public influencers shall also conduct workshops to train and motivate farmers to adopt alternative stubble management techniques.
  • Using innovative methods, organize hands-on training and demonstration sessions on residue management techniques and crop diversification. 
  • Establish and manage online platforms for farmers to exchange ideas and learn from each other.
  • Linking prospective beneficiaries with Government schemes is already in progress for farmers to combat the menace of stubble burning, including incentives. Our appointed influencers shall contact farmers and equipment manufacturers to ensure these benefits reach them.

Expected outcomes

  • Decreased occurrences of stubble burning in the region.
  • Improved air quality and reduced health hazards.
  • Increase the adoption of sustainable residue management techniques among farmers.
  • Enhance the knowledge and awareness of crop diversification among the farming community.
  • Insect and pest management through an Integrated Pest management system. 
  • Extended vernacular Media coverage 
  • The project's success resulted in transformative shifts in regional agricultural practices.
  • It demonstrated that change begins with awareness, grows with collaboration, and flourishes with sustainable actions.
  • The "Better Environment, Better Future" legacy inspires a healthier and more prosperous tomorrow.


  • Greater awareness by educating stakeholders on stubble burning consequences, emphasizing environmental and health risks
  • Creation of talent pool -Training the trainers like Govt. Officers and extension workers
  • Promote sustainable practices through training in modern residue management, empowering farmers for alternatives.
  • Drive behavioral change by establishing online forums for farmer collaboration and fostering a sense of community to encourage sustainable practices.
  •  Promote Crop diversification with innovations in residue management, Integrated pest management, and water conservation