Our Belief

Climate issues can feel overwhelming, often leading to despair and apathy. However, we believe that real people's stories offer hope and inspiration. That is why Wingify Foundation and Climapreneur are collaborating on Bharat Climate Startup Stories, highlighting 20 on-ground climate startups from India. Through each startup video, we will display their innovative solutions and impacts of these climate entrepreneurs. Our goal is to amplify their voices, inspire others, and boost India’s climate-entrepreneurial ecosystem, demonstrating that individual actions can lead to collective change for a sustainable future.

Bharat Climate Startup
Bharat Climate Startup

Our Playground

  • To reach out and survey more than 50+ credible environmental startups across India in the targeted environmental domains and categories. 

  • Screening 20 startups from all across India to identify those making impactful environmental contributions. 

  • Evaluate the sustainability, innovation, and scalability of each startup's solutions. 

Reach, Methods, and Approach

We are focusing on more than 50 startups from all over India creating innovative solutions for climate change in different areas like renewable energy, carbon capture, sustainable agriculture, and waste reduction etc. The chosen 20 startups must offer scalable solutions with a strong business model, financial stability, and market demand. We value strong leadership, diverse teams, and partnerships with companies, governments, or NGOs. We will showcase their work through short (60-90 second) and extended (3-5 minute) videos, highlighting their innovative solutions and impacts, on our social media pages. 

Expected outcomes

  • On-ground insights into the climate startup's work environment, team dynamics, and daily operational challenges. 

  • The startups' stories will spotlight the startup's business model and unique solutions giving them more visibility and traction. 

  • Highlighting on-ground stories showcases real-world, tangible solutions with measurable impacts, providing a roadmap for others to replicate or adapt in their communities.   

  • We aim to inspire and instill a sense of climate entrepreneurship in over 17000 people for each of our startup videos. 

  • Sharing these stories facilitates collaboration and knowledge exchange among entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, and communities, fostering innovation and accelerating the development of effective solutions for climate change issues. 


  1. Raise Awareness, visibility for climate entrepreneurs 
  2. Mobilize significant community support for climate initiatives and drive behavioral changes. 
  3. Raising awareness about tangible solutions to environmental challenges. 
  4. Contribute to the growth of India's climate-entrepreneurial ecosystem 
  5. Foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among entrepreneurs, experts, and stakeholders, accelerating innovation and development of climate solutions. 
  6. Real-world stories will motivate a shift from climate despair to action.