Our Belief

Health Sanchar 2.0 is the next level initiative in partnership with Kisan Sanchar, aimed at empowering rural communities through knowledge dissemination. Our project focuses on enrolling 2,00,000 beneficiaries into a comprehensive Knowledge Network designed to enhance their lives, promote sustainability, and increase profitability. By providing authentic and actionable content on crucial topics, we aim to bridge the information gap and foster informed decision-making among our beneficiaries. 

Health Sanchar 2.0
Health Sanchar 2.0

Our Playground

Our project operates primarily in rural agricultural communities, where access to timely and relevant information can significantly impact livelihoods and well-being. We cover a wide range of interconnected topics, including: Weather Intelligence, Air Quality Index and Air Pollution, Crop Residue Management, Soil Health, Crop Health, Animal Health, Mental Health, Motivational Health 

Nationwide outreach: Enroll 2,00,000 beneficiaries across India. The target group includes 1,50,000 beneficiaries from Hindi-speaking states and 50,000 from regions where Punjabi, Kannada, and Urdu are predominant. 

Reach, Methods, and Approach

Our REACH method ensures effective communication and engagement with beneficiaries\ relevant content tailored to local agricultural and health contexts.  

Kisan Sanchar has developed an All-India Broadcasting facility with support of Wingify Foundation. This facility is comprised to 40 Workstations each dedicated for concerned state/UT. Kisan Sanchar uses two methods to enroll farmers in its knowledge broadcasting system. First, individual farmers can join from their respective block. Kisan Sanchar will screen farmers using data from the India Meteorological Department and send them a detailed SMS with a URL to join. Second, private WhatsApp groups can link with the block-level information system. After enrolling farmers, Kisan Sanchar sends personalized detailed messages in vernacular language with infographics on each topic will be sent individually. This approach will equip farmers with actionable information that beneficiaries can immediately apply and ensures continuous feedback loop for content refinement and improvement.  

Expected outcomes

The Health Sanchar 2.0 Project aims to achieve the following outcomes: 

  1. Enroll 2,00,000 beneficiaries in the Knowledge Network 
  2. Significantly increase awareness and understanding of key topics among participants 
  3. Improve crop management practices and agricultural sustainability 
  4. Enhance overall health and well-being of rural communities 
  5. Boost profitability and economic stability for participating farmers 
  6. Create a self-sustaining ecosystem of informed and empowered rural beneficiaries 


  1. Empowers 2,00,000 rural beneficiaries by providing easy access to crucial information, enhancing decision-making, and promoting sustainability 
  2. Bridging Information Gap by delivering tailored content to address specific agricultural and air pollution needs and challenges. 
  3. Enhances agricultural practices, improving crop yields and farm sustainability through localized daily messages on weather, crop health, animal health etc.  
  4. Enhancing health and well-being by addressing physical, mental, financial and social health concerns. 
  5. Boosts economic stability by increasing profitability for participating farmers, creating awareness and improving livelihood in farmer community. 
  6. Creates self-sustaining, knowledge-driven rural communities across diverse linguistic regions.