This post is created by The Better India and sponsored by Wingify Earth.

Concrete boundaries around trees often lead to dilapidated growth and suffocation of roots. Unfortunately, it is a common phenomenon in urban cities. ⁠ ⁠

However, a group of young eco-warriors are actively working towards de-concretising the capital’s trees. ⁠ ⁠

A young resident of South Delhi, Saanvi Sehgal, saw a tree trunk embedded in concrete pavement in her neighbourhood. Surprised, she questioned why urban administration suffocated trees by leaving them no space to ‘breathe’. The one question has today led to a movement of little environmental activists — Saanvi and her school friends — who spot confined trees and de-concretise them.⁠ ⁠

According to the Delhi government, the concretisation of trees is an offence under Section 8 of the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994. Many have called it “the worst kind of human rights abuse”. To lend a helping hand in the issue, Saanvi and her friends have formed the group ‘Eco Saviors 2021’.

The kids have also submitted a presentation on the issue of concretisation to the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) chief. Together, the kids geotag images of areas of concern, involve local residents, and approach local authorities for solution.⁠

Sanvi and fellow eco-warriors now actively keep an eye out for a minimum 1-metre boundary around trees in the capital, while engaging with local administration to quickly de-concretise the ‘jailed’ trees they spot.

Their initiative comes as an important step in an ever-growing city, where three trees were cut every hour in the past three years.

#WingifyEarth encourages such proactive actions to safeguard Delhi’s trees and keep them clean.

#WingifyEarth in partnership with 'The Better India'

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