This post is created by The Better India and sponsored by Wingify Earth.

Kuldeep Singh is himself a farmer with just 6 acres of land of his own, but he manages the stubble on 1,200 acres of over 100 farmers in several villages in #Punjab.

How? Through an #innovative business model that stops #stubbleburning while minting a neat profit for him.

Kuldeep has set up a farm machinery bank, through which he manages stubble in 3 ways .

"One, by pressing the leftover stubble under the earth; second, to sow wheat directly in the standing stubble in the fields; and thirdly, to collect it in bundles. The bales of straw are then supplied to power generation biomass plants, to factories, and the Gujjars as cattle feed", Kuldeep says.

After seeing Kuldeep's efforts, several people in his village have started managing #stubble by purchasing machines.

"This change of mindset is what we need to propagate,” says Kuldeep, adding that farmers need to understand that when they burn their fields, they are first harming their own health.

#WingifyEarth encourages such proactive actions to safeguard Delhi’s trees and keep them clean.

#WingifyEarth in partnership with 'The Better India'

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