This post is created by The Better India and sponsored by Wingify Earth.

IIT Roorkee and YB Scientific R&D Solutions have developed a process named PRAYASPR, which converts waste polyethylene packets, milk packets, and oil packets into cement-free paver blocks and wall tiles in an environmentally-friendly manner.

The technology involves recycling waste plastics, which are shredded into granules, mixed with additives, and molded into blocks using a hydraulic press. The resulting products have a better interlocking system, an aesthetic look, and a longer lifespan. They are also non-breakable and have a fair resale value.

One paver block requires around 250 g of waste plastics, while 1.5 kg is needed to cover a 1 sq-ft surface area. The production cost per piece ranges from Rs 7-8. The tiles are more economical than the paver blocks, with a production cost of approximately Rs 14 per square foot.

PRAYASPR can help manage plastic waste in compliance with the Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules 2021, making it an attractive option for waste producers. With over 34 lakh tons of plastic waste generated in India in 2019-20, PRAYASPR aims to achieve a sustainable route for waste plastics management.

#WingifyEarth encourages such proactive actions to safeguard the environment and keep it clean.

#WingifyEarth in partnership with 'The Better India'

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