This post is created by The Better India and sponsored by Wingify Earth.

In 2017, Simarpreet Singh launched Hartek Solar inspired by two factors: his father, who was in the power sector, and a visit to a village struggling without electricity.

Hartek Solar is novel as its focus products are customised solar kits that meet the electricity needs of many households. In fact, to understand the idea better, think of an IKEA — only instead of furniture, this one is about solar kits!

Simarpreet’s innovation came when standard rooftop solar energy installations were popular. However, these would generate the same amount of power, usually 10 kilowatts peak (kWp). Thus a customised solution was in order.

Explaining this idea, Simarpreet says, “An engineer [comes] to your home and [customises] the rooftop solar power installation based on your needs. For example, if you have a budget for installing 2 or 3 kWp, we will design it accordingly.”

The process is seamless; as Simarpreet explains, “Within 24 to 48 hours of getting an inquiry, our site surveyor will visit your home. A site survey will be conducted, and a rooftop solar power system will be designed within 24 hours of the site survey.

On the third day, our sales representative comes forward with a customised offer for your home. Once we get a confirmation from the consumer, we go for installation, which takes between 10 and 20 days. Normally, companies take about a month or so.”

The features of the solar kits are a compact design, ease of installation, a plug-and-play structure, remote sensing technology, and monitors that track the generation of solar power.

The company has installed the kits in more than 500 residences across Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

#wingifyearth encourages such proactive actions to safeguard Delhi’s trees and keep them clean.

#WingifyEarth in partnership with 'The Better India'

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