This post is created by The Better India and sponsored by Wingify Earth.

After electric cars, bikes, and cycles, India now has its first electric buggy!

Designed by six engineering students of Sanskriti University, the lightweight vehicle can be used on sandy and off-road terrains. It can carry up to 500 kg, is entirely emission-free, and can run up to 80 km. Apart from reducing pollution, the green buggy also advances the automobile sector significantly.

It was developed to compete with diesel-powered buggies that dominate the sector. The students say that in the future, this buggy can be integrated with non-conventional energy sources and made fully automated.

The venture was funded by Sanskriti University’s Chancellor and they will soon be sponsoring a patent for the vehicle. The students also wish to take this buggy to the National University-level race organised by GoKart.


As India changes gears for an EV revolution, inventions like this offer alternatives for both regular and adventure vehicles. #WingifyEarth promotes sustainable inventions and proactive initiatives to reduce air pollution.

#WingifyEarth in partnership with 'The Better India'

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